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Mobile App Design, UI/UX

How to Build a Great Fintech App with UI UX Design?

Posted by Ravi Talajiya on 15 Oct, 2023

When it comes to building a customer facing app, the UX design is the primary thing we look into. UX design for FinTech is no different. It must be given priority. It’s just like a person who is judged for their dressing within split seconds, same is the case with digital solutions. An app or a website can be judged by its first look and the user can instantly decide to either continue or drop out. Companies, especially in financial technology, can make their digital products trustworthy so the users feel safe and secure.

In this article, we will help you, if you are exploring how to create a FinTech app design, make a better UI/UX for your app.

The financial world is full of fascination and so is the designing challenge of a FinTech UX. In a couple of years, there have been rapid developments in the digitalization of the BFSI industry. Mobile banking, investment, and trading apps are trending by some influential companies. Yours is not a sad story, you can also be the in the mainstream, just by creating an outstanding UI UX design for your FinTech applications. All you need is the clear concept with respect to UI UX design for startups.

Why is UX Design for FinTech Important?

Consumers spend most of their time using multiple apps for multiple purposes. It can be anything, but what keeps them engaged is the UX of the particular applications. Hence, having a compelling and easy to use features and navigation system for your FinTech application can make a difference.

With financial investments and transactions, consumers are extra cautious. After all, personal financial information is at stake. Trust, thus plays a very significant role in the usage of financial digital products. A user experience is even more crucial because consumers only invest their time if the app is interesting, useful, and helpful.

“Design is everywhere. From the dress you’re wearing to the smartphone you’re holding, it’s design.”

Why are FinTech App UX and UI Boring?

What is the biggest problem in fintech

Banking and investment apps focus on numbers, stats, and graphs. It comes with a flat UI, though it must have excellent UX for better accessibility. As per reports, users form an impression about an app or a website within one-twentieth of one second. Hence, it is crucial to create, rather, design an outstanding banking app UI. Reasons, why consumers couldn’t develop a rapport with a fintech app or website, are:

  • Outdated dashboard
  • Frustrating FinTech UI design
  • A slow and complex process
  • Dull look and feel
  • Long and jargoned texts

How Do You Make an Exciting Fintech App?

The best FinTech app design should be exciting as well as professional and simple to use for non-experts. With proper applicable factors, the trusted FinTech applications can offer a gratifying and virtually engaging user experience

Excellent FinTech UI Design Enhances Onboarding Process

Banking apps with rich UI and UX are meant to be a time-saver and are supposed to eliminate the time of people standing in queues. Finance app design enables smooth mobile banking, allowing users to complete their transactions in minutes, in the comfort of their own homes. The slow and complicated form-filling processes are cut short by just uploading the documents online. These are a few of the many benefits of online banking. The ultimate goal of these fintech apps is to provide a better user experience in this digital age. Banks and investment companies cannot rely on big marketing budgets and strategies, but to create and offer long-lasting customer value. Out of the endless banking options available in the market, the differentiation and customer value game is what matters the most.

Minimalism is the Best

While creating FinTech applications, keep a simple concept in mind —minimalism is the best. A financial dashboard isn’t always mandatory to be colourless and flat. Traditional dashboards can be replaced by some colour combinations suited to their brand and usage while using the minimalism in UX design. There shouldn’t be a dose of heavy information full of jargoned texts and terminologies, except where it is extremely necessary. Minimal designs, content and data make the app more simple yet intriguing.

Results first, invest second

Customers want to know the results and outcomes before investing. They want to know the steps and processes involved before sharing their personal information. Once they gain the trust and know the product design process, they can sign up to interact more with the app. During a usability test, it was found that there were more dropouts when the users were asked to complete their documentation (Know Your Customer registration) at the beginning of the signup process.

This tiresome documentation process led to the loss of interest of the users and they gave up on the app. The UX design allowed to shift this documentation process to the end of the sign up including the third-party authentication and in-app permissions. And as the users were able to take a look at the app, check and try all the features, they gained the trust and when they were ready to invest, the only step was to register with the KYC documents. By this time, the users already gained the trust of the app and they were ready to develop a connection.

Ease of use

Financial apps can be fascinating with visuals, graphics, and illustrations. With minor animations, transitions, and colour combinations user engagement can increase drastically. A boring sign-up button can be designed as colourful and playful which can excite the user for “what next” and ultimately provide ease of use. The FinTech UX designers should personally try using and interacting with financial apps to be in the shoes of an investor or a user. Thus, the intent of the design needs to be clear. The success of the financial app lies in the appropriate usability, which can be obtained with consistency to build FinTech UX design strategies.

Empathize with the Consumer

Fintech is a tricky space. It’s all about the consumer’s mindset as far as a personal financial investment is concerned. But, investing through financial apps doesn’t have to be complicated, especially for non- experts. Here, design can help out to create simple yet engaging features which can make the app interesting to use. Using banking apps can be daunting. The ultimate goal of the financial company is to retain the user for the long run and let them make informed investment decisions.

Rewards, offers, and gamification

To improvise the mobile banking experience, apps can be added with a load of rewards, badges, points, shopping offers, cashback, milestone rewards, etc., to engage the users and increase their interaction with the app. Gamification technique, that is, adding a game-like experience, features or game elements in a non-game app can enhance the user interface and improve the engagement rate radically.

Personalised push notification

Apps work on algorithms and artificial intelligence based on user preferences, interactions, and overall user behaviour towards the app. Banking apps can make use of personalized push notifications to provide relevant information to users. These messages are automated as per the user’s history of app interaction. Push notifications involving offers, and quirky texts are likely to be opened.

Clarity of usage

Online financial investments are challenging. Hence, you must have experienced designers in a team to develop a clear-cut process, curated content. You get several benefits of hiring quality UI UX design service that know the usability preferences of users. They know labelling with precise call-to-action buttons so that the users remain informed about the upcoming steps. A guide or tooltip can also help the users to understand the usability of the app. Every step can be made visible with symbols, animations, etc. so that the users are aware of what’s going on and what’s going to happen next. Hence, it eliminates the possibility of dark patterns, suspicions, and distrust.

Onboarding Screens

Finance sector often have complex process and regulations to follow. With intiutive design, you can create user-friendly UI and UX that not just simplify steps but also support smooth onboarding process. With proper language, tooltips, and many other features that ensure customers visiting the app first time easily. You may create unique and designs for your customers.


Gamification is most powerful technique used in modern design that power non-gaming application with gaming elements. This is useful to keep users engaged and motivate them to forge ongoing interactions. Gamification can easily help you attract your target audience by making your website more interesting for users. For FinTech, it is crucial to be more engaing and create function-focused design.

Accuracy In Design

These perfect for ensuring accuracy in geometric machine tools. They are crucial and even challenging as a little issue in data can pose bigger problems. So, this method ensures there’s not issue with the documentation and deata is perfectaly used. The design team you have must have experience and expertise working and implementing accuracy in design.

Data Visualization

Visualization is crucial as it sells. If you have hire UI/UX designers for your FinTech project, they readily turn your information into visual context. It can be through mapping, graphing and others. This design is important when you want to communicate with your users through visual.

Hire right UI UX designer for Make Fintech Apps More Exciting


With this guide, you know the factors that make an impact in creating greater UI UX design for your FinTech applications. Apart from this guide, you must have a perfect UI UX design agency that helps you craft your idea into a compelling design. We at Finch Design help you design your dream products that not just keep your user engaged, but also serve your purposes effectively.

Overall, a financial UX design helps to make your financial company admired by the users. It develops a psychological connection with the users leading to success and customer loyalty in the long run.


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