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Pro Logo Design Ideas: Create A Next-Gen Logo

Posted by Ravi Talajiya on 31 Aug, 2024

Quick Summary: Have you built a brand with the potential to become a market leader but now are confused about logo design? Or You don't know what a logo is and how to design it? Don’t worry. We have your back. In the following blog, we will tell in detail about what a logo is and also give your 5 pro tips to design your logo. Let’s explore.

We are surrounded by logos. No company or brand can build or sustain without a logo. It is the face of the brand. Just look around yourself and try to figure out how many things have their logos. Let us make it easy for you. Everything around you has its logo. Your mobile, PC, refrigerator, TV, clothes, shoes, and even your toothbrush have a logo. It shows the importance of the logo. However, did you notice that every logo is unique, none of them match and every one of them is conveying their brand's message? But what is a logo actually and what are the best logo design tips for business? Let us understand about it.

What Is Logo?

The logo is a brand's identity. It is an emblem that represents the company worldwide. People can easily identify the brand by just looking at the logo. For example, logos of famous brands like Nike, Adidas, Apple, Samsung, Instagram, Facebook, Google, YouTube, etc. Graphic designers play an important role in developing unique and eye-catching logos. They add the brand's name, title, icons, or tagline to make the logo unique.

What Is Logo Design?

Logo design is a symbol that conveys what a brand provides and its motto. The goal of logo design is to make the brand stand out from the other brands in the same industry. To make your logo design that leaves a lasting impression you need to combine many design elements. When a creative mind with knowledge of market trends combines typographies, illustrations, colors, and graphic design elements you get your logo design.

We all know the simplest answer is often the best, that goes the same with logos. Simple logos convey ideas easily and show brands’ confidence in their product. Logo designers focus on the target audience and existing logos to make the design more impactful and meaningful. They conduct multiple types of research about the company they are working for and also survey other similar brands and provide tips for creating a logo.

Why Is Logo Design Important?

Logo design plays a crucial role in building a brand identity. A great logo pays off the efforts for marketing and branding. A logo will grab attention and engage more users in your digital product communicating a company’s business ethos. The attention it grabs in the 2 seconds must leave a good first impression on the user. And we all know the first impression is the last. Your brand can communicate ownership of the niche your product dominates.

Skyscrapers can only be built over a strong foundation and so does a brand and a logo can help you lay this foundation. Your brand will become more popular if it tells its story with emotions and logos made with the right fonts, colors, and tones will set the stage for the story. Here are some unique reasons explaining the importance of logo design.

Build brand identity

A logo is a powerful marketing tool that can make you stand out of the competition. A good logo is important for your business as it conveys professionalism, quality and brand values.

Help customers recognize your brand

Customers identify brands easily from their logos. A well-crafted logos are memorable and increase your recognizability among customers. It will help your brand scale.

Make a good first impression

“First impression is the last impression.” A logo is the first impression of the brand for the customers. Use this opportunity to establish a good impression.

Communicate information

Logos can convey information about your brand, such as its values, and can also help you grab people's attention.

Influence consumer behavior

The logo conveys brand values and helps you connect to the target audience. Choose from different types of logos to increase brand equity.

Now, we need to discuss the core part but have we ever thought about the type of logos that exist in the market or we can design for? We have got this for you.

What are the various types of logos?

Logos represent your brand to customers and are very important. There are in total 5 types of logos that top brands use.

Wordmark: It is a typographic logo that has words only to represent the brand. For example FedEX, Coca-cola.

Lettermark: Here the logo is made up of only a single character related to the brand. For example hp, P&G etc.

Logomark: It contains a symbol only and is among famous types because of its simplicity. For example Nike’s swoosh.

Emblem: Here we use a certain shape or design with lettermark, wordmark or logomark. For example the NHL logo.

Combination mark: A combination mark has a mixture of symbol with wordmark or lettermark with wordmark. For example, Spotify, Rolex, etc.

Here are some of the best tips to design logos that will separate you from the competition. Let’s explore them.

5 Pro Logo Design Tips

Whenever you design a logo you need to keep in mind that it conveys the purpose of your brand. Include taglines as a part of the logo like Nike to make it more clear. Avoid mistakes like not doing proper research, using colors that are not contrasting, or complexifying the logo design so much that it doesn’t carry the message anymore. That’s why here are the top 5 logo design advice that will help you avoid such mistakes.

Conduct Research for Logo

Research is one of the most important tips for making a logo. You might be thinking what’s the need for research in making a logo? If you think so, get ready to leave a bad first impression on users. Because then we might face problems like lack of originality, missed opportunities, waste of time, and resources in redesigning the logo, etc. To avoid these pitfalls you must study your target audience, competition, and industry.

You save a huge amount on costly redesigns, enhance your brand reputation, build your brand consistency, and do effective branding with proper research. It also helps you get long-term success and competitive advantage. This way your logo and brand will have versatility and can scale easily.

Choose The Right Colors

Choosing the right colors for your logo is very necessary to stand out. Understanding psychology is important because different colors can trigger different emotions of the users. Search about what different colors represent and how they can influence people. Link the perfect colors that will convey your brand story.

Bad color choices can lead to a lack of emotional connection and a lack of visual appeal and depth. While focusing too much on the color will also overemphasize the aesthetics and destroy the brand image. Just dedicate yourself to avoiding under or overusing the colors and get the contrasting ones in your designs.

Simplify The Logo Design

Everyone avoids complicated things and goes for simple things. You should also do that with your logo designs to avoid complexity and embrace simplicity. Simple designs are always more memorable and straightforward. Your brand needs to prevail and have a market advantage.

Keeping clarity in your designs makes them easily recognizable. If your users can’t recognize your logo then you need to redesign it now because it is not memorable and clear. Simplified designs enhance brand sophistication and impart a sense of professionalism.

Logo Design For Mobiles

With the developing world of mobiles, everything now has to be optimized with mobile screens so the logos. It must not look messy on mobile screens. Designers should also optimize logos with touchscreen interactions, and landscape and portrait formats of mobile screens. You should also focus on keeping the lightweight so it can reduce the loading time.

If your logo is for a social media service then it should work for both app and the website. For example Google’s logo design. If you look at it you will see that it does not get blurry for the mobile version and remains the same. They have even optimized their website logo for all types of screens. It is very well developed and you should implement this in your logo designing.

Always Get A Second Opinion

Sometimes getting second opinions is very crucial because sometimes your logo doesn’t look the way it looks. And it leads to misinterpretations of the logo damaging the brand image. Second opinions can give fresh perspectives and help you identify the aspects your eyes missed. If you have experts then use their knowledge to maximize your scalability with logo designs.

NYC Taxi Logo

Look at the logo above, it belongs to the famous NYC Taxi service. However when they released it, New Yorkers saw it as a big downgrade. Because it didn’t resonate with the target audience and the unusual design of T made it look different from AXI. This logo is one of the best examples why a second opinion is necessary.


Now you know how a logo works to build a brand. You can follow the steps of the blog and improve your logo designs or make a completely new logo that conveys the message of the brand. A graphical designer with experience in logo design is what you need to make a thriving logo design. And TheFinch Design is your partner in this. We have the best talents with years of experience in logo design who will provide you with the best company logo tips.


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