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Why Great Products Need Human-Centered Sales

Posted by Ravi Talajiya on 30 Sep, 2024

Quick Summary: Have you built a great product that can become the market leader, but is not excelling in the market or have a very less percentage of returning customers? Well, it is because of the lack of human-centered sales. Here is your detailed blog about why great products need human-centered sales and how you can have it. Let's explore.

Have you ever wondered why a well-established company vanishes all of a sudden even if it provides great products and services? This happens because they lack the right mindset and empathy towards their consumers. Another reason they fail is that they prioritize product features over customers' desires. If you want to increase your sales you need to have balance and coordination in your business strategies.

Designs as Strategic Approach

Many organizations isolate designs, and don’t report design failures to the CEO. Every article says Design Thinking is dead as designers are not getting the importance they deserve and are constantly failing to prove their value because of companies’ ignorance. Design is still not integrated with other business strategies. Involving designers in the business is really a strategic approach as designers can align designs with business objectives.

For better sales you should not limit designs to just product aesthetics but combine with other business strategies making it a core function business. It emphasizes balance, harmony, interconnectedness and coordination. Customer satisfaction follows you when you incorporate balance and harmony in every element of the business from product design and technology to marketing, sales and customer service.

Should decision making be an emotional or rational process?

You can earn huge profits with rational decision making but for a short period of time. Because with rational decisions for communications and sales conversations you will be more focused around marketing products features and functions. It won’t help you connect with your audience. Your customers will just be satisfied with your product and will not be emotionally attached. The problem with this is that whenever they’ll find another product providing the same features or services a little better or for a lesser price, they will simply shift to it.

However, the emotionally attached customers are very difficult to pull away. Customers who are emotionally connected to your brand are far more valuable than those customers who are just there for the product. To make more of the audience emotionally attached to your brand you need to go for emotional decision making rather than rational decision making. According to multiple reports, emotionally connected consumers are 52% more important than other customers who are highly satisfied. You need to incubate designers as the emotional architects for long-term customer loyalty.

Why Designers as Emotional Architects?

Brands often consider designers as the one who solves functionality and usability problems. However, designers can also understand emotional and psychological barriers customers face and improve the design accordingly. You can include them in the user research programs allowing them to observe customer feedback, interaction with sales materials and sales calls.

When you put designers in sales team meetings and client meetings, they act as emotional researchers. Here they will observe customers and their emotional response to the sales process with the help of facial expressions, body language, and their voice tone. They can create a sales emotional heatmap out of it. It acts as a guide for sales for future sales interactions. It will lead to human-centered sales.

How to Make the Sales Process More Human-Centered?

It is only possible when companies think of a genuine human-centered approach avoiding transactional interactions. It includes prioritizing every customer's uniqueness and oneness and embracing it. You can recognize their needs and implement it in sales strategies. Sales was never just about selling a product, it was always about forming deep connections with customers. Here are some strategies that will help do it.

Self-Discovery and Self-Awareness

You won’t be able to understand your customers, if you don’t understand yourself. Sales process starts with it. Before going for sales, your sales and brand must introspect and have an idea of your values, strengths and products. Your sales team can use mindset mapping to prepare a chart of their emotional state to make sure they are in a mental space to connect with clients.


Design thinking plays a crucial role in aligning the product with broader business strategies, customer values and market needs. It ensures that the product addresses real life problems and aligns with the consumer's life seamlessly. This process will lead to enhanced customer experiences. You can train your salespersons to align with the customers’ needs and goals with any effort.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence of your salespersons really play an important role in making the sales more human centered. They need to be an empath to effectively handle objections, build rapport and adapt their communications according to the customers fulfilling their needs. Having emotional connections with customers is necessary as it helps understand emotional drivers behind purchasing decisions.

Final Thoughts

Now you read a brief yet detailed and informative blog about how designers play a crucial role in making the sales more human-centered. You also read about how designers become the emotional architect of your sales marketing when you include them in a sales team meeting. At TheFinch Design, we understand designer’s importance and include them in marketing strategies making your product a market leader. You can contact us for more details related to human-centered sales.


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